Professional Experience Highlights
- Currently, Lightning IT Services' Director of Performance and Business Development
- Performed the role of Chief Operating Officer for Infini Health (pain management and interventional services)
- Acted as Director of Operations for Wello (nurse practitioner based telemedicine health care delivery).
- Partnered with a colleague on a government relations project.
- Conducted an operational review for Wello (nurse practitioner based health care delivery).
- Completed a tailored business development strategy for Kailo Medical.
- Worked with the Regina Qu'Appelle Health Region to develop a Long Term Care Services Transition Plan.
- Assisted the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Alberta with the revitalization of their strategic plan as a member of a hand picked team of consultants.
- Completed a facilitated strategic operational planning session for Bow Valley College's College Services portfolio plus work plan template development for the further refinement of the operational plan.
- Project managed the preparation of a funding proposal for Vivametrica (prominent Calgary start-up company)
- Advanced strategies for the improvement of access and ongoing sustainability of the ultrasound service at the All Nations Healing Hospital in Fort Qu'Appelle Saskatchewan
- Developed a stakeholder consultation plan, logic model and strategic program plan for Alberta Health Services' Clinical Ethics Service
- Assisted a health care organization with the valuation of their company
- Collaboratively worked with members of Alberta Health Services to plan a Provincial Medication Reconciliation Summit. Acted as the facilitator for the day
- Worked with the Alberta Senior Citizens Housing Association (ASCHA) to create a directional document to assist with the development of a long term Alberta capital plan for congregate independent and supportive living housing
- Provided direction in a project management capacity as Canada Diagnostic Centres (CDC) transitioned to a common RIS/PACS platform for all their acquired CML and existing CDC sites. Also, provided bridging leadership as the Interim Director of I.T. and Interim Director People Services
- Developed a feasibility assessment for a Calgary group as part of a financial presentation to support the construction of an SL1/SL2 Supportive Living Seniors Housing facility
- SaskBuilds Project Manager for the Swift Current Long Term Care Centre Project. This project was Saskatchewan's first P3 initiative
- Collaboratively designed and facilitated a strategic planning session for the Board of the Alberta Senior Citizens Housing Association (ASCHA)
- Project managed the compilation of an Alberta grant application for Supportive Living beds for the Multi-Generational Housing and Community Centre Society including interfacing with the architectural firm and contributing some original pieces of writing to the final product. MGHCC was selected by Alberta Health as one of four successful organizations to move forward with projects in the Calgary competition.
- Created a strategic facilities plan for the Saskatchewan Cancer Agency as well as provided facilities project management leadership
- Conducted an environmental assessment of Regina to help facilitate the opening of Radiology Consultants Associated's first major out of Province clinic as well as providing significant business development services
- Succeeded in negotiating tailored business deals utilizing a variety of models with various organizations including the University of Calgary, LifeMark Health, Cardiac Evaluation and Risk Assessment and the High River Medical Group resulting in enhanced revenue for EFW Radiology
- Launched EFW Radiology's Staff Forum to provide a venue for staff to bring forward global issues. Recommendations from the group resulted in many positive policy and benefit changes that were acknowledged in an Accreditation review
- Played a leadership role in planning and implementing EFW Radiology's private MRI venture
- Implemented strategies to improve hospital patient access and flow through the establishment of discharge planner positions on the wards, more equalized day and evening home care nursing services and expanded ambulatory nursing clinic hours at Royal Inland Hospital
- Established the first contract with the private Kamloops Surgical Centre which increased operating room capacity and decreased waiting lists
- Launched the Licensed Practical Nurses Full Scope of Practice initiative to enhance the contributions of the LPN and more appropriately utilize the skills of the nursing staff
- Developed and implemented strategies to meet budget management reduction targets exceeding $5 million through the rebalancing of health services. The Plan resulted in a financial turnaround from a $3 million deficit in 2001/02 to a $700,000 surplus in 2002/03
- Oversaw four major residential/assisted living new build/renovation projects alleviating shortages in system capacity
- Instituted the Enderby Community Health Centre resulting in enhanced primary care services through a multi-disciplinary approach integrating the expertise of medical, public health, mental health, community care and primary care nursing professionals
- Created a plan for the management of chronic cardiac disease focusing on improving the coordinated treatment of hypertension, atrial fibrillation, smoking cessation and cardiac and pulmonary rehabilitation in a community setting